
Walmart Pharmacy Doesn't Let Man Pay For His Medicine With Coins

Two weeks ago we covered Piers Corbyn, an older British man who decided to make a political statement by insisting on using cash at a cashless grocery store. In that clip Corbyn was just buying strawberries, which he paid for in cash before leaving the store. But what if someone needed something more valuable than strawberries? Unfortunately, that's what happened to the Nevada man James Murdock, who discovered that his local Pahrump Walmart pharmacy didn't take coins. 

"So you won't give me my medication because you can't take American money?" he was filmed yelling at the employees. "Not everybody is rich you know. Not everybody has a credit card"

Murdock revealed to local news that the pharmacy denied his $25 quarter and dime payment because they felt it would take too long to count, even though the coins were already in rolls. 

"This is just pure evil!" @NoCapFights commented on the video after sharing it. "Give the man his medicine, you don’t know what people are going through."

Apparently Murdock proceeded to buy his brother something else in the store with the same coins, while his brother returned the favor and paid for the medicine. 

"No one since then has been in any way inappropriate," he said, "which I consider a plus."

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