
10 Basic Rules to a Bromance with your Boys

RULE 1: You cannot brag to your mates about a blowjob unless you finished in her mouth.

RULE 2: You cannot under any circumstances sleep with one of your mates girlfriends but please feel free to masturbate to her.

RULE 3: Miss your shout and you're out. If you miss your turn to buy the round of drinks you will be cut from the drink round for the rest of the weekend.

RULE 4: Wingmen drink for free. If the poor bastard of a wingman has to put up with the fat girl or the annoying friend all night he should drink for free, you owe him.

RULE 5: No one is ever left behind. If you are clubbing and your mate has no place to go or way to get home he is your responsibility, perfect opportunity to test the sexless innkeeper theory. (HIMYM)

RULE 6: Calling shotgun or dibs on a girl doesn't count if she is rated higher then a 6.

RULE 7: Under no circumstance should a guy ever discuss, with a female, how the rating system truly works.

RULE 8: Never try to be Tyler Durden. Fight club may seem like a good idea when you are all drinking together but it will be a bloody sore next morning.

RULE 9: Nicknaming your fellow bros has a 1 week trial period. If the nickname can last a week without it seeming gay then it will stick.

RULE 10: Don't be afraid to hug but hug only on occasions that are necessary. Hugging to much is a sure sign you will order a cosmo oh and also make sure there is no hug lasting more then 3 seconds. 3.1 seconds and we have a fag with sulphuric acid for blood and Madonna albums in his car (got to love family guy)


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