
Am I a good boyfriend?

Okay, so i wont tell you my name just incase but you can call me Jim. I have a girlfriend, and her hypothetical name will be Mary. Mary and i have been dating only for about 2 an a half months (yaaay) and im getting the feeling i like her waaay more then she likes me (booo) i always have to start the conversations, we barely ever see each other, and she basically said it would be near impossible for her to fully open up to me... (what the fuck kind of shit is that) well damnit im willing to attempt the impossible.


Lately we havent been talking much lately, and im in florida. and i meet a girl there... her name will be Gen. shes from germany and here with her cousins who im great friends with, so ive been spending the night at their place cause were such good friends, and its obvious that im physically attracted to this girl. and apparently she thinks the same. so one night when everyone is alseep exept from her and I, we just talked, and talked, and talked. and I was like wtf am i doing she lives in germany?!?! well that night she asks me if im sleeping in her room... not thinking of Mary i had to turn her down. (p.s. we're both 15 and i doubt anything would happen) but it just doesnt stop, we even made plans to sneek out one night but we couldnt. ever since its just but all touchy-feeley between us. So now its 1 a.m. im in my room and im leaving tomorrow, but i have never felt this way about someone ive known for 3 days, and what would Mary say?

so yeah, let me know your take.

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