
Cars and Drivers Randomness and Ranting

I don't know what it is around here, but drivers suck so bad!  I admit, I have only had my license for two years, but had my permit for five years before that.  I just never had the chance to take the test.  But I'm a decent driver.

What happened to using turn signals?  I swear that 75% of the people here don't use turn signals when they're turning or changing lanes.  It annoys the piss out of me.  That little lever on the left side of your steering wheel is there for a reason!  It's there to inform other drivers of your intents and allow us all to make safe decisions.

Then on the other side of things there are the people who leave their turn signal on for ten miles.  That's annoying as hell.

If you own an H2 or H3 or some other large, gas guzzling vehicle, stop bitching about how much gas costs you, get rid of it and get something more economical.  You bought the damn thing, so shut your trap. 

I love our Prius.  My husband traded in his '07 Mustang GT for it about a month ago.  And it was his idea, his choice (I don't know how many times I asked him if he was sure).  He's happy with it too.  But I barely ever get to drive it because he takes it to work every day, since it gets close to double the gas mileage the SUV gets.  It's kind of nice to go nearly 500 miles without having to fill up the ten gallon tank (actually, it's a bladder, not a tank, but I digress).  If we could afford it, and wouldn't go upside down on the loan, I would totally trade the SUV for another Prius. 

Why do people travel in the left lane, making people pass them on the right?  STOP IT!!!

I hate when people talk on their cell phones when driving.  It's basically as unsafe as driving intoxicated because you fucktards aren't watching the road because you're too fucking distracted.  PUT THE FUCKING PHONE DOWN OR PULL THE FUCK OVER!

Whatever happened to pulling over if you were travelling slow, and there was a line of cars building up behind you.  I remember my dad pulling over to let people by when we were in the U-haul moving.  Everyone behind him was so much happier, and it really didn't delay us more than a couple of minutes.  When did that stop happening?

Cruise control: it's your friend.  I promise.

It freaks me out when I pass a semi.  I know that their blind spot is HUGE and I could very easily be missed and pushed off the road.  It's nearly happened before, but luckily, my friend's horn was really loud.

I don't care that it takes up quite a bit of time to do, but if my car is going to be moving, my daughter is going to be strapped securely into her car seat.  I don't car if I'm only going a block, she's locked into that seat.

I hate that my husband doesn't like to use the air conditioner.  I hate getting out of the car all sweaty and dehydrated.  I don't really car if it eats up another mile per gallon on average, I'd rather be comfortable, and not a soggy mess.

Leather seats and steering wheels get very hot.  I really want to get seat and steering wheel covers.  My back, neck and hands will be everso grateful.


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