
Lies, Lies and more Lies

I have kept quiet about the world of politics since the election.  I have watched and listened and hoped that our new President would surprise me, but that has not happened.  Not only has he not surprised me, but he is worse than I thought.  He is showing his true colors and people who supported him are starting to ask questions and some are even regretting their decision to vote for him.  I would say his name, but nobody dare speak The Messiahs name without first bowing down in respect, and since I hold no respect for our president, I will not bow down and therefore cannot speak his name.


Let us look at the disaster of a president he already is and he hasnt even been in officer for a month:


The stimulus aka porkulus package is a joke and everyone but the truly blind and ignorant knows it.  This package is nothing more than a way for the liberals and the president to get rich and make good on paying back all the money that is owed to the people who got The Messiah into office.  He claims there is no pork in this what so ever, but he is flat out lying and it makes me sick.  His constant fear tactics about the country being in a crisis and then it will be a catastrophe if the bill didnt pass was just plain fear tactics and nothing but a scheme to get what he wanted.  Oh he got what he wanted, but and he could have had it a long time ago, the president just wanted to have all the republicans on board so when it fails he could point fingers at them and lay the blame on them.  The president did not need any republicans to sign off on it the bill for it to pass.  So now our tax dollars are going to the continent of Africa and the country of China to help set up more abortion clinics, and new national parks, ATV trials, hiking trails, bike trails and all other sorts of outdoorsy things are going to be made with this money.  Our bridges and most of Washington DC is are going to get a fresh coat of paint and we will no longer have to worry about the spread of STDs with the money coming form this stimulus package.  Remember, Nancy Pelosi was spot on when she made her brilliant statement claiming 500 million Americans per month would lose their jobs if the bill didnt pass.  Holy shit!!!!!!  I didnt know we had 500 million Americans in this country!  I thought we only had about 300 million.  Man I am a total stupid ass!


There are many more rotten apples in the stimulus package, but the socialized medicine that the president wants to implement is probably one of the worse things that could happen.  This dream of everyone having medical coverage is a farce and a lie and it will not work the way most people believe.  If you want to know the truth, look at the Europeans or Canadians.  A lot of them come to the US to have cancer treatment or other necessary surgeries, because if you dont meet certain conditions, you dont get treated.  The biggest rejection for treatment in Europe and Canada is age.  If your too old, then to bad, you just have to accept the fact that you are old and thats all there is to it, now go away and die and leave us young healthy folks alone.  Our beloved tax cheating secretary of the treasury basically stated this yesterday in his press conference.  Here is a direct quote from Helen Evans, PH.D.:President Obama's proposed Institute for Comparative Effectiveness would mean more government control of private medical decisions. It is clear from the British experience and other international examples that a comparative effectiveness strategy that relies on central planning and coercion would be counterproductive and would lead to cost constraints that could worsen patients' medical conditions and damage the quality of their lives.  So lets hear it for socialized medicine and its lack of success.  What a bunch of horse crap!


There are so many issues to hit, so I will make the rest of this quick.  The president and his liberal cronies want to raise taxes, but they dont believe in paying them.  Just as k Tom Daschle and the other tax cheats that had to step down from their cabinet posts before even taking officer, oh and yes and our beloved secretary of treasury Tim The Tax Cheat Geithner who is will not step down, yet owes thousand in unpaid taxes.  I love how the rules only apply to us common folk and not the elites.  Then we have the president releasing the prisoners who bombed the USS Cole and what about his lack of response to help the victims in Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas during their killer ice storm?  Where was FEMA?  How come the president didnt respond?  Why wasnt that covered in the mainstream media?  There were and still are thousands of people who need help, but it was slow to come or it never arrived, because the feds ignored it.  I seem to recall when hurricane Katrina hit and the media and a few people accused Bush of hating black people.  Does this mean that our new president doesnt like white people?  I mean he was quoted as saying his grandmother was a typical white person.


Well, for those of you who voted for this buffoon, you got what you asked for.  At least there are 57 million voters who saw the light and didnt vote.  Hey I better be careful how I talk, because one of my neighbors who is an O (he who shall not be named) supporter told me if I dont believe in the president he will not spare me.  Spare me?  WTF is that supposed to mean?



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