
My Candidacy for Emperor

Yeah, once again I fall into someone else's trend. At least I can claim the death of Wallboy as ripped off.


Wait, nevermind.


Anyhow, to the business at hand: My candidacy for Emperor. Screw President. That job reeks of politics. My desire is to abolish this world as it is, turn it on its ear, and make something worthwhile out of the mess that ensues.

There are two ways of accomplishing this goal.

First, we can begin arming ourselves heavily, train in basic guerrilla warfare, and make a calculated plan to strike at a weak moment, such as when the Executive and Legislative branches are entwined, when security is compromised by a thinned-out military due to apathy, cowardice, and unnecessary wars, and crush them. Friends of the cause in the military would nullify the threat of retribution. A sweeping massive coup, much like the previous disasters in Haiti (i.e. pre-quake) and we will be poised to re-establish the ideals expressed by our forefathers.


What, scared of bloodshed?






So, plan B? Take the time to think. Remove yourself from pettiness, step away from the internet and TV and throw out your iPod (fuck, at least spend one day without it) and let your mind dwell on all the little things you can make better. Think about how you drive effects others. Think about how you raising your kid can influence years of peoples' lives. Dwell on the way nature exists without man and how poorly we've forced ourselves upon it. Appreciate that no matter how hard you may fight it, there is a system greater than yourself that will not be denied, and you are but a part of it. Swim with the flow or drown.

Let your discoveries flow from you into those you meet. And someday, there will be improvement.


I know what you're saying. You're full of it. I have work to do. All there is is all there is, and your mystical crap isn't anything more than words.

If that's true, then what do you have to lose? A day. maybe? 1/365th of 1/70 of your life.

1/25550th of your life? How much more hae you wasted drunk or high or sitting on the toilet picking your nose and reading the funnies? (Second thought--that's not a waste).


Give it a shot.


CBear47, Anarchist Messiah.

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