
LS factoids. Thats me!!

Hello my angry fans. Here are some facts about me.

1.The only color i like is black.Because I am color-blind.

2.I hate Midgets.No joke. I realy think they should be wiped out.

3.when i was a child I won over 10k at counterstrike tournys. And TFC..

4.I was an avid Gamer till I became a slut.

5.I was a slut until i got a fiance.

6.I made at least 4 asian children cry at one of those tournys.One said I sucked and was cheating for using a scout and getting only head shots.I laughed in his face when his team lost.But in his defence his team was second ofter mine.

7.At a comedy show I heckled otto and george when they compared my group to the colombine kids. I yelled out something like ,"Nice outfit i didnt know jeffery dhamer had a yard sale!". Otto looked insulted... Later after the show he came down and had drinks with us.

8.I worked for eight years painting portraits.

9.I hate painting. But i love tortinos.

10.I prefer to Blogging to oprah.But i prefer steve wilco to blogging.Lol rape is funny.

enough for now.I am matt and I am infact the leader of the zombies. Oh and i met courtney love at a distillers concert..Shes a slut so she isnt worth a full fact..

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