
ebaum bullshiters

So, I am very drunk, and generally when I am drunk, my joy in life comes from calling out bullshitters. Todays targets are Haumight and bluenote. As for Haumight, she claims to be dying. She claims her sister just died. She is full of shit. It is a pity party and we are all invited. If you actually continue to read her blogs, her life will just be beset by one tragedy after another. She is lying for attention.

As for bluenote; he claimed he would be having sex with haumight. Also busllshit (although disgusting if it was true.) Look at the record. Both he and haumight posted blogs during the time that she was in transit and when they were supposed to be having sex.

Think about it. If a girl is comming cross country to see you and fuck, do you post to ebaums when she should be in the air? When you are supposed to be fucking? Their argument will be that it took blue like 5 minutes to cum, and 24 hours to recharge, but whatever. When you are with someone who came from across the country and you are fucking her, ebaums is not on your mind. You definately do not spend those two days posting ebaums blogs.

Fuck the lying fucktards

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