
The Race Card & The Politically Correct Dumb Asses

Throughout my life I've noticed more and more people throwing down the race card as an excuse to be ignorant and disrespectful. I was called racist when I said Soulja Boy was a joke and a complete mockery of hip-hop and should be shot. This is not a race issue, that was merly an attack at his "entertainment skills." I refused to give a bum a quarter (mind you I didn't even have any money on me) called me racist. Took every inch of my being not to beat the shit out of him. Basically, with everything I experienced, for every race their is an extreme "good and bad"

White people or Crackers or Honkeys

Black people or Niggers

Mexicans or Spics

Chinese or Chincs...You get my point.

My feelings are this, don't even fucking try to put white guilt on me. Fuck you for even trying. My generation had nothing to do with the slave trade, so give that up right now. To assume all white people had something to do with that is not only ignorant, it shows the pure stupidity of other races incuding the missinformation that is given to them. And I'm sorry their are niggers in this world, and I think Boondock's Saints nailed it on the head with Samuel L. Jackson stating nigger is a term for an ignorant mother fucker, and anyone can be an ignorant mother fucker.

That N bomb is used so carelessly now, I think MLK rolled over in his grave. Granted I can't understand what it means to have family that was inslaved, but guess what, unless you difinitively know, don't bitch about it. I'm tired of people walking on egg shells because they feel they owe something to any minority. I don't own you shit. I worked for everything I have as well as my family, who were also persecuted for being Polish. What about the Jews? They were enslaved by the Egyptions, the Brits were enslaved by the Romans, USA is not the only one.

This is my idea, learn about your culture, but don't expect anyone owes you a fucking thing, especially if you were born in the 80's up, you didn't have to deal with shit. Not like your parents did, they understood the true meaning of racism.

Granted racism is still around, it always will be, it's like drugs. Best you can do, is move on.

NOW. For those who prefer to be called African American cut that shit out, unless you are directly from Africa and moved here, OR you do have full African blood, and you actually know the culture and language that follows. Otherwise shut the fuck up, you're a black American, like I'm a white American. If a black man was from Britian, born and raised, would I call him African American? No. That sounds stupid doesn't it? He would be a fucking Brit, or European.

See my point? I work in the ghetto where my business is located, which also provides jobs for a good percentage of this city, and these same people rob the business, are they fucking stupid? You're fucking your community over! It's about being selfish, that's what all this race bullshit is.

This makes me wonder the Man still keeping them down?

That brings another point, all the dumb asses that voted for Obama, not saying voting for him is dumb, I didn't but that's beside the point, I'm talking about the people that don't even know the fucking issues and just voted for him because of race alone. I have this to say, FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

I do have black, mexican, gay, asian, indian, every color under the sun type of friends. I'm just sick of people being fucking morons.

Thanks for reading.


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