
If you live long enough..........

I dont care how old you are if you are lucky enough to experience the things I have seen well.......good for you. I have seen the change from get off your ass and change the TV channels to sit on your ass and use the remote. I have seen men walk on the moon and I have witnessed assassinations and assassination attempts but what I saw yesterday just made me stop dead in my tracks. Our president God bless him was finishing up his talk with some group of people and when he was done it should have stopped right there but NOOOO Pelosi jumps up and literally pushes the president out of the way and begins yet another lie we can all be sure of that at least. Now I know what you are thinking, this is the big thing you saw? Well yes because up until that moment whenever Pelosi is around Mr.Obama she is ALWAYS on her knees but this time she actually stood up. This is the first time I have seen her fully extended to her real height and I just didn't know they stacked shit that high. Now I want you to notice that I wrote this blog entirely without bringing up any other president past or present in any kind of derogatory manner because WHY should I? It has nothing to do with the topic.


Thank you for reading Bohank

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