
Charlie Strikes Back

   A couple of Fridays ago, my friend Roman calls me.  He starts telling me about this beautiful, perfect rose he bought.  He was going on and on about the symbolism it has in his life and how it's the perfect metaphor for this and that...blah, blah, blah.  So, I decided to call up his neighbor Dave.  I said, "Hey Dave.  I need to get into Roman's apartment to play a little joke."  Dave knows how close Roman and I are and he is always down with practical jokes.  He replied, "Sure Charlie.  What are we doing?" 

   So the next day I go over to Dave's place.  Roman has left for the morning.  We go into his apartment and see the rose.  It is in a beautiful vase on his kitchen table.  I go and get the salt.  I dump in a few teaspoons.  I say to Dave, "This should get Roman's flower looking pretty sad in no time."  I high five Dave and we start to head out.  On the way, I see a book lying on the coffee table.  Just for the hell of it, I rip out the last two pages and stuff them in my pocket.  Dave and I both laugh and leave Roman's apartment.

   A couple of days later, Roman calls and is all sad about his drooping rose.  I said, "Get over it dude.  It's just a rose."  Roman lamented, "It was perfect though.  How could something so perfect die so soon?"  I said, "Maybe you should change the water...that might help."  Roman said, "Yeah maybe.  Thanks Charlie."  The next day, Dave and I go in and re-salinate the water.

   Finally, Roman called me yesterday.  He said, "The rose is dead Charlie.  The petals are all on the table."  Trying not to bust up I said, "Sorry Roman.  I know how much you loved that rose.  Maybe you should get another one."  He replied, "Yeah maybe.  I might just finish reading my book.  I'm almost done."  I let out a chuckle.  Roman said, "What's so funny?"  I tried to cover, "Oh nothing.  I just saw a funny video on the internet.  Cheer up buddy.  I'll talk to you later."


You think you know, you have no idea.... 

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