
What America has become!

Benevolent totalitarianism is a term created to describe the modern system of government that is fascism in all but name. It is all hidden under that loving word democracy. This is a political lock with an iron grip on the minds of the population.

Any political, economic or military alchemy or chicanery is hidden behind the word democracy. This is a major, major key to understanding reality today.

Let me explain: Nazism was an unvarnished police state based on massive propaganda that funneled the German mind to focus on the State for protection and safety. Millions were persuaded to die. The men were drafted with the support of the population until their destruction could be ignored no longer.

The German fiat army was defeated by the American and British fiat army only with greater numbers of fiat soldiers and fiat war material.

So what is the difference between ugly and obvious Nazi fascism and modern fascism under the pretense of democracy? Modern fascism is hidden and twisted under an aura of benevolence.

After all, the modern propagandists have learned volumes since Nazi fascism. The modern police state does everything possible to make modern fascism palatable. It is being refined every minute of every day.

The lid is still on but millions are beginning to slip through the cracks. They no longer trust the propaganda, the politicians and the ruling elite.

As the American people are impoverished, they may consider that they have less to lose by confrontation to the system.

The benevolent police state is no longer characterized by the loud knock on the door in the middle of the night but by an unassuming letter in the mail from the government tax collector which has all the power and intimidation of the Gestapo. That letter is backed by the police power of the State and harassment of assuming tax authority that has a very detailed profile on every filing taxpayer who has made himself available to voluntary compliance.

American taxing authority is, Your papers, please. Where are your papers?

When benevolent government seeks a citizen out it has a complete dossier and profile which can be manipulated in a thousand ways against a suspected enemy of the State. The jackboot and the Swastika have been replaced with a suave and very sophisticated information system backed by State police power. The noose is formidable but not visible to the mundane public.

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