
just bitched out a cop and it felt great.

I was walking out of school today after my one an only class of the day.  The sun was warm and the breeze was cold. It's just one of those perfect early fall days that makes you want to spend every last second outside.  I parked my car pretty far away becuase of how over crowded my communtiy college parking lots are. I seriously didn't mind the walk.  There was about a good quarter mile between my class and my car. Luckily i get to walk around this wonderful pond full of frogs and friendly ducks.  Anyway the day was going perfect.  I had even scored the front row parking space.  Unfortunatly the douche who was in the second space had taken a third of my spot.(probly why no one else parked there.)  Thinking it wouldn't be an issue i parked there anyway with my wheels just over the outside line.  I was walking back to my car when i see a fucking campus cop on his fucking segway writting me a ticket.  I eventually get there and he is just putting it under the wiper blade. I took the ticket to see what the damage was and what my violation was.  Of couse it was for parking over the line and it was only for 30 bucks.  Really was my fault and not that bad of a fine, but i recently quit smoking weed.  My rage levels are at an all time high.  I fucking just starting in on this probly 70 year old captain ahab looking fool.  You know stereotypical shit like" get a real job you fucking asshole" or "i don't understand how you don't go home and fucking kill yourself"  I mean just horrible type shit (most of which i learbed from most of you) that no one should ever say, and he just sat there looking at me like i was fucking crazy. This went on for about a long minute which seemed like ten.He gave me this look like "are you done yet"  then he just scooted off on his fucking segway looking all pissed. 

About a haf hour later i went back to the school and found the guy again.  This time it was not to bitch at him anymore.  Instead after i had drove away my head had time to clear and i realized what i had just done.  I felt like shit.  I had to apologize to this man.  we sat down for about half an hour taking about how many people do that to him daily. He said i was the first person to ever come back and apologize.  We shared a few smokes, and i told him i know he's just a guy trying to make a living.  I told him i should have known better than to park there.  We sat and talked and after a while he accepted my apology. 

i really appreciate anyone who took the time to read this. 

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