
Shit My Mom Says

     My mom is probably the most accidentally funny person I know. She left high school early to become a full time housewife after getting pregnant and married, so due to lack of a better education, she tends to say some pretty off the wall shit without realizing it. If you guys like this story, I'll post more.   

     When I was 16 or so (23 now), I'm sitting around at dinner with my family telling bad jokes. We get rolling on the Helen Keller jokes which, as you know, make it very obvious that she's def, mute, and blind. My brother, sisters and I had gone through quite a few when my mother interrupts with this gem:


Mom: "Hey... Helen Keller... Is that the woman the flew the plane?"

Me: "Excuse me?"

Mom: "You know... She was the first woman to fly a plane..."

Me: "Are you talking about Amelia Earhart?"

Mom: "Obviously I don't know! That's why I'm asking! "

Me: "Are you kidding? How the fuck would Helen Keller fly a plane, mom? She was def, mute, and blind." Mom: "Well I figured that's why she wrecked..."   


     THANK YOU MOM, for not finishing school and providing the family with a never ending supply of real life comedy. 

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