
Atheism is just Anti-Christianity

I for once, would really appreciate Atheists go spread their theory of there being no God to the Muslim world. Feel free to travel to Iran and mock them for their childish stupidity the same as you would Christians. Read, rip-apart the Quran verse by verse in Afghanistan, and laugh at its contradictions the same as you would the Christian Bible.

Go ahead and mock and tear down all the other religions of the world such as Judaism and see if you aren't labeled as anti-Semitic bigots.

Pick apart Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, or any other of the Earth's major religions and see if you aren't bashed for being insensitive racists.

No, Atheism clearly has chosen its safest target in modern-day Christians who, by and large, are too passive to fight back. Real bravery there guys! It's like the anti-fur nuts too cowardly to go to a Hell's Angels bike rally to protest their use and abuse of animal skin. Instead they attack fashion runways with waif-like models. "Brave."

Ironically, Atheism IS A RELIGION! They have their belief system. What they can't explain, they call it "faith" even if it's faith in science. They have their hierarchy of leaders such as the Catholic church, heck! they even have their own "assemblies" in which non-believers get together to spread their belief system. By gosh, what they have there is an old-fashioned CHURCH! Ha! Imagine that!

What Atheism really is, is throwing away any sort of system of moral and ethics to act like a total asshole. That's easy to do when you have no higher authority than yourself and you allow yourself to do and say whatever you please. -Satanism has the same philosophy, "Do as thou wilt."

What happened before the Big-Bang? What happened to cause it? What happened a million years before the Big-Bang? A billion? A trillion? -they don't know. It's based on faith. Why is there gravity is space? -they don't know. Why is there order out of chaos? -they don't know. "Nature decides." Somehow "nature" has a moral and ethical component that Atheists lack. Another contradiction for the religion of Atheism.
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