
I've got a Funny blog

I've got a funny blog...........................................................................................

Ok, this is a story that had happened nearly 11 years ago. To start, it's a story about me and my little brother: my little brother is a user on this website known as sicsepurtyranus.

Ok, when we were growing up, my mother and father had day jobs and we were at the ages where we couldn't take care of ourselves, (5 and 3). We had a babysitter as regular schedules had it. Soon, I couldn't stand the Mean Old Lady that she was; so I coaxed my brother that we'd break free from her tyranny.

*This paragraph will lead to the funny part of the blog.* When we weren't Napping, she, the babysitter, would allow us to frolick out on the porch of her front yard. The yard was about 10 feetx10 feet, with trees here and there; also, the yard was enclosed by a chain link fence that She would lock after my mother dropped us off. Anyways, She had went inside for a minute and I was like: "This sucks, let's break out of here!"

"Yeah!", quote my brother. I stopped, thought for minute, then with this idea, I said:

"You know, *****, you're smaller than me so you could slip through the gate of the fence, open it from the other side and let us out!"


"But first, you need to slip your head through 'cause it's bigger than the rest of your skinny body."

Somehow, we got his head through; I should've known, before his ears passed through, that this wasn't gonna work. His head went through, I said:

"OK, *****, put the rest of your body through!"


"I can't," said *****.

"Aargh; oh well, ok get your head outta there."

"I can't, I'm stuck." Then I got that 'oh shit' feeling and tried but could not free his head! Soon enough, the babysitter came out, flipped out, tried to free him, couldn't, then called my parent(mother).

Ending part, the police came, and now I can't remember whether it was firemen, or the paramedics that had to cut the fence from around his neck........................... Funny story..........

Thanks, j_q

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