
Palin, Rumors and Abstinence

I'm not usually one of the folks that talks politics on here- at least not one that starts the subjects.  But this one intrigues me and I want to get some other views on this. 

By now, we've all heard the rumors and scandals about Sarah Palin, the Rep. VP candidate.  A few days ago, rumors were put out that her youngest, four month old Trig (the one with Down Syndrome) was not hers, but actually her 17 year old daughter Bristol's child, and this was a cover up to try to keep Gov. Palin's political position solid.  Trying to quell these rumors, it was anounced this morning that actually, right now, at this point, Bristol is actually about 5 months pregnant (with some talk of how she and the father are going to marry- oh, the joys of teen marriage and divorce). 

This all brings me to one of the main points of this blog:  Sarah Palin has a very strong stance on abstinence only education and is very anti-birth control.  Now, her teen daughter either just had a baby, or is pregnant right now.  How does Gov. Palin really expect to have her views taken seriously when she can't even make it work in her own family?  Personally, I think abstinence only ed is utter bullshit and is just causing more teen pregnancies and a higher rate of STD transmission by not teaching kids how to protect themselves (I mean, really, we're animals and it's encoded into our DNA that sex = life).

If Trig actually is Palin's child, I still have no respect for the woman.  She endangered her child's life by giving a speech while already knowing that her amniotic fluid is leaking (for those of you who missed health class, that means her water had broken, meaning she was in labor), then instead of heading to a hospital to give birth to a baby she already knew had Down Syndrome (she has made strong points in her pro-life arguments by boasting about not aborting a child she knew had specials needs before he was born) she hopped onto a plane, flew from Texas to Seattle, then Seattle to Anchorage.  Now, if you can't already figure this out, that's a REALLY long time to be in the air, and it's completely unsafe if you're in labor.  Once the water breaks, there is increased risk of infection, not to mention at her age and after so many births already (four others), the time between beginning of labor and birth is shortened by a lot.  Hours.  Have I mentioned that she was also a month early?  This means there are concerns for lung function too.  She could've given birth on that plane to a baby that couldn't breathe, and had it die there.  Fortunately, if Trig is hers, this did not happen.  But instead of going to the most well equipped hospitals in Anchorage, Alaska, she had her husband drive her another 45 minutes out of the way to a po-dunk hospital in another town.  Responsible, no?  Then add into the fact that she went back to work three days later...  Let me tell you, three days after I gave birth, I had been out of the hospital for only one day, I could still barely walk.  I may have hemmoraged during my daughter's birth, but she was also a bit smaller than Trig was, too.  This woman must have the vagina of a gladiator.

BUT if Trig is actually Bristol's baby (if he is, they will probably give Bristol a mysterious miscarriage or still-birth or something in not too long), then I have even less respect for the woman.  Covering up your daughter's pregnancy to keep your political ass covered?  That's just sick. 


So, now that I'm officially about to pass out because of my Ambien, discuss these topics: Abstinence only education, Sarah vs Bristol for maternity.  Go.

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