
We must Re-elect Obama

I know I cant believe I said it either but its true and the only way we stand any chance at all of getting this country back on track. There are many things wrong overspending, jobs, healthcare, a 6th of our population is now below the poverty level, and lets no forget that we owe China about half of our country. The biggest problem we have in this country is our politicians inability to compromise and the Republicans control Congress and after the election they will still control it. Think long and hard about that, all that power to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and that is what will happen make no mistake about that. Many of you know me as a Republican and when did I change sides? I dont know that I did but I know I was through with them when they wouldnt vote to extend unemployment benefits. The rally cry of how long should these bums get free money and I said then I still say it they should get money until you bastards fix what you broke and not one second longer.
I think Mr Obama is one of the most do nothing presidents i can recall, no leadership and certainly no real plan until he is running for re-election and now he has a plan. I just think if we dont re-elect this man and force these bunch of ass holes to sit down and compromise we will be right back at this same point in another 4 years talking of getting rid of the Republican president who will be running for re-election. I am sorry people but i just think if forced to actually work together there is nothing we cant fix but its tied to parties. I think we are tired of all the fighting and bickering with a bunch of greedy pigs and who knows maybe along about Feb some person will come out of nowhere and give us transparency and change...oh wait we have that now.
Thanks for reading Bohank and HELP we are going to need it
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