
Depleted Uranium as a Weapon 1-3

This is in response to a comment made on Poisonous Legacy the comment made was ******* jfr5dh Posted at 0911pm May, 3 2007 your facts are quite wrong, first of all calling a war a nuclear war because depleated uranium is used is pretty dumb second of all it isnt whats causing those deformities, any legitimate scource will tell you that ud does not do that No reproductive or developmental effects have been reported in humans.httpwww.who.intmediacentrefactsheetsfs257en .... (((NOTE REPORT IS FROM 2002 A LITTLE OUT OF DATE HUH)))great place to check your factsbud, please research somthing before you go off and try to make a statement about it,america is messing up with, but there are better things to get angry about and if yousound dumb doing it it makes the rest of the ones who know what they are talking about sound just like the dumb fuck you are.****** Well jfr5dh your not too bright are you... The Depleted uranium they are using comes from Nuclear Waste so yes in fact it is a Nuclear War..And the media you are about to watch is from Dr. Doug Rokke U.S. ARMY Health Physicist Nuclear Medicine Sciences Officer...So as you put it check your factsbud, please research somthing before you gooff and try to make a comment...I did my research and stand behind Poisonous Legacy 150
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