Move over weirdly-horny Lensa portraits — it seems the sad, deranged women of AI art have recently discovered yet another beloved internet pastime — laughing alone with salad.

On Sunday, March 19, Twitter user @metuiteme bravely ventured where no one under the age of 45 has in nearly a decade — Facebook — where they made a strange discovery: The ‘ol lettuce-based meme had undergone a horrifying bout of AI-ification.

“I found these AI-generated ‘women laughing with salad’ posted on FB and they are clearly the pinnacle of the genre,” they wrote alongside a series of truly terrifying images depicting flying lettuce, wide grins with far too many sets of teeth and one very suspicious tomato splatter that looked a bit too much like blood.

“I know *I* want to see these in an ad campaign,” they continued, adding three more nightmare-induing images.

Twitter, as it often does upon witnessing machine-made horrors beyond our comprehension, had a field day, taking to the platform to express their (very reasonable) terror, lamenting Ai’s demented sense of humor and even likening the images to Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice.

A24, you’ve got your next Hereditary right here.