

Ok...that is how many points I need to claim the prize I want.  I can't tell you how much this site annoys me.  There are only a handful of people within this site that I could ever relate to.....and I am sorry to say, but age has a BIG factor to do with this.

It amazes me that so many of you truly think you have an opinion on politics, sex and religion, when up to this point in your life you have not experienced any of it!  Your mother and your father still do your laundry and cook you dinner, buy you the computer that you type on and in many cases have either bought the car you drive or drive you to school!

Then there are those of you that are in college and I can respect that, but you have still not left the nest and moved forward!  Some may argue...why leave when everything is handed to you...that is the exact reason you should...learn what it means to stand on your own!

Do this long before you ever commit to a relationship.....I have parents, whom financially they can give and keep going, but after a whil you learn that there is no responsibility in that.  It is for each individual to figure this out and honestly, until you're out on your own paying your own bills, keeping a job and paying all the shouldn't comment when others find themselves in a tough boat!  You haven't been haven't experienced it and you have NO CLUE!

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