
Begging for work.

I just watched a video where a man refuted a "feminist" claim that read "Women should not be discriminated against by employers because they are pregnant or may become pregnant".   He explained that it's not fair, but we need to walk in the (comfy) shoes of employers who "understandably" wouldn't want to put a woman in an important role, because her absence (maternity leave) may cause loss in the company.  He told us not to blame people for this, as women biologically make babies, and men don't. 

This really got me thinking.  Of course I believe that parents (both of them) should be able to prioritize their families over their jobs, especially when faced with everything an employee has to endure due to corporate agenda.   Let it be clear that throughout history and even up to present day, corporations actively fight against human rights, so that they can save money, and lose all accountability to the people who build and maintain their companies.   

Companies hire people in their own interest.  They will not pay you a wage that exceeds the amount you develop for them.  If faced with that outcome they will simply move production to a place with fewer labor laws, that pay workers with fewer rights far less.   They have us by the balls with one simple phrase; "everyone is replaceable".    

This is why I support the work of unions.  If you are willing to give up your rights for money - put that on your resume.  I however believe in a system that is balanced, where employees are as recognized for their work as the companies are for providing it.  One where companies are willing to admit that their employees are what makes big corporate possible, by doing what is reasonable to protect employee's rights.  One of those rights would have to be the freedom to do what we naturally do as animals.  Reproduce and raise our young.  We should not be put in a situation where we need to choose our jobs over our families.  Just like how we should have the right to break for lunch - cause you know, eating is necessary. 

When the major CEO's make an average of over 300 times more than the average wage they provide, I have no choice but to question whether or not they've earned it.  When same CEO's are lobbying against the basic human rights of their workers and customers in order to secure that immense wage gap - I have no choice than to tell them to go fuck themselves in one of their 8 bedrooms. 

Life isn't fair.  We don't all have access to the same opportunities, and therefore "the harder you work, the better you will do" is an inaccurate and overused statement.  If hard work paid off for you, congratulations, you are one of the few.  Now I ask, did you really work that hard, or did you just happen to be born into a situation that allowed you such reward for your efforts?   I don't care what your struggle is, because for every self-made success story, there are thousands, if not millions of people who fight hard to survive every single day, without any hope of their situation improving, at no fault of their own.   Hell you can't even flea from bombs going off in your front yard without some privileged piece of shit holding tight to their wallets, calling you a lazy job and health care thief, who "didn't work for it".  

Capitalism does nothing but loosely justify class-separation and greed.  We know the trickle down effect defies physics.  We know that many businesses are failure proof.  We should know that all of our rights are being attacked, yet we act shocked when we find out that what we thought were competing businesses turn out to be sister companies, with mothers who hide behind an illusion of choice.... which they should, given their often hideous contributions to some of the worst crimes against humanity.  Just look at the companies who supported the Nazi party - now count how many are still operating as industry leaders today.   

When the economy collapses, they blame us, and demand we pay the repair bill. "Min wage is too high - it should be abolished"  "Unions are going to close businesses" "Just because the bank offered you that loan, doesn't mean you should have taken it".... as if the average person can predict inflation, market stability, and interest rates 20 years from now.   It's clear we have to do something, when will we?  Will it actually benefit us?  

When are we as a people going to realize our value, hold people accountable, and stick up for ourselves and our freedom?  When all of the jobs go to China?  When everything you do is recorded as data that is sold to governments who use it to maintain your slave status?  I'm pretty sure google knows when I poop... just waiting for the next "terrorist traitor" to quit his job at the NSA to find out. 

Getting involved with politics properly involves putting down the articles like "The many silly facial expressions Trump made during the debate" (This is a real article that Mother Jones Published this morning) and not caring what Caitlyn Jenner has to say about gay marriage.  It's about identifying the adversaries who pretend to take your side.  It's about knowing where you stand in this global community, and how important true information is.  A true patriot loves his country enough to want to save it, even when the attacker is the government they typically support.  Stop praising politicians and their billionaire buddies as gods and saviors - otherwise they will treat you as their servants.   



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