
Today in history

Today is october 10th

I know that copy paste blogs are shunned unless they are informational/interesting/funny and I personally believe these are. I know there are a few of you out there who like these and I know a few of you like to add too it in the comments and that is always welcomed. I do these because even though I know you guys can go look it up yourselves it at least saves you a minute or so when you can just look for the post. I plan to continue posting these for the duration of this year then I will post no more of these after that. love em or hate em that is my plan so without further too do....Today in history




Oct 10 1780

Over 48 hours, a slow-moving hurricane decimates Barbados, killing 4,326 (however according to the island's governor, "fortunately few people of consequence were among the number"). Over the next week, the catastrophic storm system moves on to Martinique (9,000 dead) and St. Eustatius (4-5,000). The unprecedented Great Hurricane of 1780 remains the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record.

Oct 10 1962

The British Broadcasting Company bans "Monster Mash" -- the Halloween-themed novelty tune by Bobby "Boris" Pickett -- for being "offensive." The BBC never specifies precisely what it is about the song that's problematic.

Oct 10 1973

Bribe-happy Vice President Spiro T. Agnew finally resigns, after pleading guilty to federal income tax evasion. In addition to his venality, Agnew is chiefly remembered for this offhand remark during the 1968 campaign: "What's the matter with the fat Jap?"

Oct 10 1991

Disgruntled postal worker Joseph Harris kills four people in Ridgewood, New Jersey. First he brings an Uzi, pipe bomb, and a samurai sword to his supervisor's home, where he kills her and her fiance. Then Harris visits the post office, shooting two coworkers. When he finally surrenders to police, the gunman is wearing a ninja costume and a gas mask.

Oct 10 1994

Evel Knievel is arrested in a Sunnyvale, California topless bar for beating 22-year-old girlfriend Krystal Kennedy back at the Comfort Inn motel.

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