
Try To Help A Fatass And This Is What Happens...

Most of the people who read my blogs regularly know that I'm not only pretty, but also in great shape. I try to eat healthy stuff, and stay away from stuff that contains sugar. I also eat a lot of veggies and fruits and work out daily. Needless to say, I'm in an impressive shape, and this causes a lot of fat asses to get jealous.

There's this music video where some chubby chick sings that she's about bass and no treble - basically what it sounds like is some fatty making up excuses for being fat, and even accuses the media for promoting fit girls. Seriously? I actually found that song catchy when I heard it. I thought it was some black girl singing that. It turned out to be a chubby white chick. It was like watching a female Vanilla Ice, with 30 extra pounds. 

Stuff like that is what's making more and more chicks go like "oh, it's okay to be fat, it's prolly my genetics." And they start stuffing their asses with ice cream and cheeseburgers, cause you won't beat them genetics, right?

I often tell fat losers that they should start working out, and that it's not some kind of a torture, or that they'd have to go to a gym. I realise how much of a humiliation it would be for someone looking like them, when they would be working out side by side with normal people. I'm pretty sure they know that they can start working out at home, little steps first, but they prefer to play stupid and act like working out would be too cumbersome for them.

I respect fatties who do get the motivation to slim down, but fatsos you try to give tips on what to eat and how to work out react... with hatred. These pitiful human beings are so weak, they'd fight for their fatness, like you wanted to take away their fat from them.

It's especially sad when a fatty tries to convince others that they eat healthy but they get chubby because of genetics. Then it turns out their diet consists of donuts, fast food and soda. Of course they tried to work out. 3 days or so, then they quit, cause there was no effect, other than sore muscles. Yup, genetics win again, derr.

I'm pretty sure you know a lot of fatties who try to convince others that they accept themselves being giant blobs, but it's obvious they don't. How sad it is that even though you could help them, they treat you as an enemy, trying to convince themselves (and others) that you're making fun of them, and using them to brag about your great shape.
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