30 Times When Movie Mistakes Slipped by Editors and Made the Final Cut
Nathan Johnson
A collection of things that eagle-eyed fans noticed in these popular movies. From set blunders to costume malfunctions, these mistakes went unnoticed and made it into the final cut.
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Back to the Future.DeLorean backwards after crashing into barn.Not glaringly obvious but in 1955 Marty plays a guitar that won’t come out until 1958 -
I remember watching Armageddon as a child. In one scene they were walking on the asteroid and there was fire in the open. I remember pointing out to my dad that ”fire can’t exist in space!”. Perhaps I was just a nerdy kid. -
In Pretty Woman Julia Roberts is eating breakfast at the fancy hotel. She’s eating a croissant. Cut to Richard Gere. Cut back to Julia, she’s eating a pancake. -
Random guy in denim walks into shot in an early scene in Gladiator. -
Transformers Rise of the Fallen has a scene that breaks my brain so much I’ve had to check to make sure it was real about a dozen times. They go to the National Mall in Washington DC at night. They find the jet that turns out to be an old transformer. He breaks through a wall and then they are at the airplane graveyard in Tucson, AZ during the day.I don’t care that there isn’t a bunch of planes outside in Washington DC. Movie magic and all that. But we literally go from night to mid-day and from Washington DC to the freaking middle of the desert. -
In pretty much any zombie movie, when people run to an elevator to get away from the zombies the doors always seem to close on the zombies trying to get in. They never pop back open like they would if someone actually stuck their hand (or any other limb/ object) in the way of the doors. I haven’t watched it in a while but in the (newer) Dawn of the Dead I’m pretty sure it happens. -
The end of Godzilla (2014) completely falls apart, mostly due to bad editing.The soldiers are making a run for the boat with the nuke, and Mama-muto is right on top of them.Then, it cuts to Godzilla, who fights Daddy-Muto for a while. He eventually smashes him into a building, killing him, but also bring the building down on Godzilla, crushing him to the floor. Ford escapes from the Muto nest, and has time for a little moment with fallen Godzilla. -
Waterfall running backwards in Anaconda. -
Well, Luke yells “Carie” instead of Leia at the end of Episode 4 when he gets off the X-Wing. -
Avengers Infinity War. Thanos snaps his fingers in Africa and half of the universe disappears at that exact moment. He does it in Africa in the daytime. And everyone in the USA also disappears… in the daytime. -
(Back to the Future) BTTF 2 old Biff gives young Biff the almanac but is able to return to original 2015. Some 20 minutes later, Doc uses a chalkboard to show Marty why returning to original 2015 is not possible. -
There are so many bloopers in the first Harry Potter film. Mainly, Emma Watson mouthing the lines…of the other actors. How it made it through editing I’ll never know. -
In LOTR Return of the King, during the scene where the riders of Rohan are charging into battle at Minas Tirith, there’s one shot where Eomer is yelling and the extra to the right of him has a prop spear that’s flopping all over the place. -
Raiders of the Lost Ark does this too. Indy’s revolver is suddenly a magazine fed pistol and then back to a revolver a couple of times. -
In the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, you can see the actor inside Donatello’s costume. -
The Fast and the Furious, the line “Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should” Why would you double clutch during a drag race? Just proved the writers had no clue about cars, much less racing them. -
Empire Strikes Back, exactly how long were: Leah, Han, and Chewbacca stuck on that asteroid? And how long was Luke’s training? The two events going on side by side made it seem that Luke did his jedi training in an afternoon. -
In The Walking Dead’s first episode where Rick is riding the horse and turns the corner and finds a street full of walkers, you can see a walker drinking from a water bottle. -
Ocean’s 11,Where did all those prostitute flyers that the team took out of Benedict’s vault come from? Director admitted this was a plot hole and no one had gone through the entire plot until after the movie was finished. -
You’ve gotta love the Mission Impossible Fallout scene where Henry Cavill’s character spontaneously grows a beard and a shirt pocket by cocking his arms. -
Clooney’s death scene in Gravity when he’s being pulled away from Sandra Bullock. What is supposed to be pulling him? I can deal with a little dubious sci-fi physics but I just can’t work out what the writers think is meant to be happening there. -
The fake blood used in Tombstone was shockingly bad. It NEVER came off, even when Wyatt walked outside in torrential rain and held his hands out, then wiped them on his shirt. Blood still plastered on his hands and arms. -
In the first Toy Story buzz drops RC’a remote before they light the rocket and they leave it behind rendering RC essentially useless as a toy for Andy. -
In the movie “Charlie’s Angels”, Drew Barrymore’s character shouts “LUCY!” to Lucy Liu, instead of her character name. -
Diamonds are Forever featured a car two-wheeling entering an alley on one side of the car and exiting two-wheeling on the opposite side.They didn’t even try to fix it in post. -
The Force Awakens (Star Wars, Episode 7)…at the end of the movie, Princess Leia literally walks right by Chewie and totally ignores him (him being her deceased Partner’s lifelong best friend who she’s known since she was a teen) only to go in for a hug from Rey, someone she barely knows. -
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. One of the dangers they encounter is huge chunks of ice coming down and hitting them.Ice floats. -
In “Behind Enemy Lines” the pilot is able to walk a great distance in able to reach a specific point for radio communication. It’s a spot marked on his map for just such emergencies.During the radio transmission he has to go silent because enemy forces are close by. After cutting chatter the admiral gets upset and yells at someone to “triangulate” his position.Admiral sir… You already know where he (at)…why are you asking to know where he is? -
In Cannonball Run, they spend a good 10 minutes explaining that the racers are all starting at different times. The winner will be the one who completes the race in the shortest time, which is NOT necessarily the first team to finish.At the end they ignore this, and give the trophy to the first team to finish. -
Die hard when the ambulance is inside the truck at the end but wasn’t inside it in the beginning.
- 21 Life Hacks that Helped People Escape the Matrix
Back to the Future.DeLorean backwards after crashing into barn.Not glaringly obvious but in 1955 Marty plays a guitar that won’t come out until 1958