19 ‘Animal House’-Style Pics from College Parties Back in the Day “My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.”
Kid Puts Cringey Man-on-the-Street Interviewer in His Place Hopefully other victims of these street interviewers follow suit.
27 Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1927 Prohibition aside, the '20s were roaring, and people understood the importance of having a good time.
Girl Sits on Porch Swing and Takes the House Down I’m going to go ahead and guess that they didn’t properly secure that thing.
31 Ancient Fertility Sculptures That Prove Our Ancestors Were Freaks Back in ancient times, before Snapchat was invented, people had to spend countless hours chiseling stone fertility statues to seduce their mates.
22 Posts and Memes That Are Very Hard to Argue With Just because a statement isn't exactly what you were looking for, doesn't make it wrong.
25 Avatar Cosplayers Who Need to Be Banned From Owning Blue Paint When Avatar, the top grossing movie of all time, came out in 2009, most people went about their business as usual.
33 Weird Medieval Armors to Strike Fear and Confusion into Peasants’ Hearts The main function of armor in medieval times was of course to protect knights from being hurt in battle.
Watch These 1999 Dudes Freak Out About Their Friend’s New ‘Giant’ 28-Inch TV Can you imagine playing PlayStation on this baby?
Remembering the Eeriest ‘Coast to Coast AM’ Call of All Time This caller to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast claimed to be a former worker of Area 51, and plenty of people believe him.
20 Animal-Centric Randoms to Return to Nature There is something about seeing people with the Mike Tyson face tattoo that I find endlessly amusing.
21 Photos of What Life Looked for Astronauts in the 1970s Although NASA could have rested on their laurels after landing on the moon, space exploration in the 1970s was just getting started.