20 Times Adult Jokes Were Slipped Into Kids Movies and Shows
Carly Tennes
While we may have been laughing at Robin William’s Genie, singing along to “A Whole New World,” and secretly thinking Princess Jasmine was so so so pretty during our childhood rewatches of Aladdin, our parents found themselves taken with something else: Why our titular hero was very very familiar with all of Agrabah’s s—x workers.
But it’s not just the Disney classic that has a dirty little secret hiding in its frames.
From the Ginch’s key party to Rhea Perlman offering some amazing ad-libs in Matilda, here are 20 children’s movies and TV shows with a whole lot of adult jokes.
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1. Aladdin
“The fact that there was a Brothel in Aladdin and that all the women there knew Aladdin.” — Kyro_Sol -
2. Osmosis Jones
“Does anyone else remember the movie Osmosis Jones? One of my favorite lines from that movie is: ‘He’s headed for his uvula!’ ‘What the heck is a uvula?’ ‘It’s the little dangly thing in his ——’ ‘Got it’ - takes highway exit towards bladder/bowels ‘No it’s the one in his throat!!!’” —hanahnothannah -
3. Matilda
“In Matilda, Matilda is trying to talk to her mother, who is talking animatedly on the phone. While Matilda is trying to get her attention, the mom says into the phone, ‘You should shave yours, it’ll change your life.’”— crazy-diam0nd -
4. Toy Story
“This is mild, but I never noticed until I watched it a few years ago. In the beginning scenes of Toy Story, Mr. Potato Head uses his own lips to peck his behind with. He does this while talking about Slinky, implying he's a kiss-***.” —ifight_themoonlight -
5. Scooby-Doo
“The entirety of the Scooby Doo live action movie. Never forget that Mary Jane is Shaggy’s favorite name” — DarkAngelOfAzathoth -
6. Dexter's Laboratory
“There was an episode of Dexter's laboratory where the father kept going on about Dexter's mother's muffin, and saying he only married her for her muffin. The whole episode was filled with innuendo” — EdwardCutlen -
7. Cars
“In Cars when the two miata ladies flash their pop-ups at McQueen I didn't realize for years that that was the connotation’ —MutaKingPrime -
8. Coco
“In Coco, everybody laughs when they say Hector died ‘choking on chorizo’ ‘Choking on chorizo’ is Mexican slang for sucking d—k.” — IronTemplar26 -
9. Spider-Man: Homecoming
“In Spider-Man: Homecoming. There’s a short montage of Ned asking Peter lots of questions after finding out he’s Spider-Man. He asks how far Peter can shoot his webs and adds “If I were you, I’d stand on top of a building and just shoot it as far as I could.” And a girl sitting behind them in class turns around with a disgusted look on her face.” — infamous-Lunch6496ming -
10. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
“Madagascar 2 when the penguins are negotiating a contract with the monkeys and they're all sitting at the table together. Skipper: Maternity leave? (Looks under the table) You're all males!” -
11. Hey Arnold!
“Hey Arnold: Helga talking about how Arnold makes her girlhood quiver. That girl is 9 years old.” — TheBigChairSE -
12. Puss In Boots
“I love the part in Puss In Boots where they’re inventorying his stuff when he goes to jail. ‘One bottle of catnip??’ ‘Uh…it is for my glaucoma.’” —yourlittlebirdie -
13. Shrek
“In Shrek talking about Snow White: "Although she lives with 7 other men, she's not easy." Gets me every time!” — Sregge -
14. The Brady Bunch Movie
“In Brady Bunch the movie, toward the end the main family wakes up to find the butcher is in their house going through their fridge but he was clearly in pajamas and was with Alice the maid, and when they ask him what he’s doing there he just says “oh, uh...just delivering some meat”. I didn’t get that till much much later in life.” — Ricky_Rollin -
15. Rango
“No mention of Rango? ‘I think they're Thespians’ ‘Thespians? Th-that's illegal in seven states!’" — “illogictc -
16. How The Grinch Stole Christmas
"In How The Grinch Stole Christmas there’s a scene where the whos are having a key party.” —AerialNoodleBeast -
17. Toy Story 2
“End of Toy Story 2, Jessie calls Buzz cute. He reacts with his wings popping up.” -
18. Monster House
Monster House ‘That's it's uvula!’ ‘Oh.... So it's a girl house....’” —TurbulentComplaint48 · -
19. SpongeBob SquarePants
“The scene in spongebob where gary catches him watching sea anemone and he quickly changes the channel.” —drshields -
20. Ratatouille
“There is that one scene from Ratatouille, when Linguini is about to confess about how Remy is in his hat cooking for him, and says ‘I... have... a little... tiny…’ and right after he says tiny, Collette quickly glances down at his pants. I never even noticed it until someone pointed it out to me because it is pretty subtle and can be easy to miss.” —-noobmaster68-
- 20 Times Adult Jokes Were Slipped Into Kids Movies and Shows
“The fact that there was a Brothel in Aladdin and that all the women there knew Aladdin.” — Kyro_Sol
“The fact that there was a Brothel in Aladdin and that all the women there knew Aladdin.” — Kyro_Sol