30 Dark Scandals That Shook Schools
Nathan Johnson
Much ado is made about the sheer number of otherwise useless information that schools make you memorize only to be forgotten the moment you receive the required paper to get the next piece of the required paper. After all, who's going to remember all of the state capitals or what year the War of 1812 took place in -- some information just slips away into the ether. But some things, on the other hand, are just about impossible to forget.
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The principal slept with a student and his nudes & sexts were leaked -
First week of high school. PE class, the first section was swim. wasn’t my class, but the class after. This kid was playing a game with his friends in the water—who could hold their breath the longest. He was going up for air and hit head on the pointy part of the gutter, and never made it to the surface. Friends didn’t notice, teacher didn’t notice. Eventually football players coming back to the locker rooms noticed. He ended up dying. Teacher was fired although I wouldn’t fully blame him as he was attending and teaching kids who didn’t know how to swim or weren’t strong swimmers. One adult for over 60 kids?? That’s the schools fault -
had a strict dress code that if the girls broke had to change into clothes provided by the school. turns out vice principal had a camera going in the dressing room... -
When in middle school, the school forced us to give our phones to the vice principal, and they would stay there “locked” during the day. They got stolen. Around 120 smartphones -
Long story short the principal got arrested for hiding cameras in the bathroom this was back in elementary he was a total creep -
My former high school got on the news for having a history teacher lie for four years about being a decorated war hero. Guy claimed to have not one, but TWO Purple Hearts, among other things, and never even served a day in the military. (Edit: I can’t directly link to articles because of doxxing, but I’m sure you can find it on Google.) But it gets juicier: The truth came out because his ex-wife exposed him, sending evidence he was making it all up to local news stations and the school. Why’d she do it? The history teacher was having an affair with another teacher in my school. We had a lot of weird teachers at my school, but I think this story shows just how much the administration hardly vetted teachers, like holy sh*t. We also had a guidance counselor get the boot for being a racist, but that’s another story that didn’t get as much publicity. -
Not that scandalous. A friends stuff kept going missing, like books and pens. It didn't stop even after multiple complaints from him and the teachers didn't really care. His mom screamed at the teachers and the principal did her own "investigation" and concluded that it was a boy who stole from that guy. The principal decided to call the male students parents to talk to them. After a year, it turns out that the thief was a girl and she yeeted the guys stuff out the window because the guy was bullying her. -
Was my favourite science teacher... until we found out that he rolled up girls skirts -
My middle school banned hugging and hand holding during course changes because it blocked the hall. In protest all the Eighth Graders stood up and hugged each other during their lunch period. A bunch of students got detention. Made the cover of the Charlotte Observer. -
Physical education teacher hit the principle on the head because he protested the students being treated roughly during sports class -
When the Religion teacher cheated on her husband with the Math teacher -
The entire 11th grade of my school visits a concentration camp each year, and 2 years ago someone brought weed, so 20 students were expelled and 15 suspended. Even the police got involved (weed isn't legal yet here). -
Two teen pregnancies, same dude -
The Harlem Shake was a craze. We had an RE teacher who desperately enjoyed being the popular teacher so he got in on the craze. Invited 40 pupils from my year to his classroom at lunch and filmed his own Harlem Shake video (which in itself would’ve been against safeguarding rules). Thing is, he also taught sex ed, so everyone got into his cupboard before the start of the video for ‘props’. The video was essentially a group of 14 year olds throwing dildos and condoms around the room while he, of his own accord, grinded on a life-size cutout of the Pope. He was suspended under investigation for half a year but surprisingly kept his job. He was lot more professional when he returned. -
Apparently our principal stole money from our school and left the country. -
When I was in 5th grade, the male teacher I'd had in 4th grade was fired for helping a high school cheerleader undress. Looking back, he was a creeper. -
Girl A decided to fight girl B in class. Girl A ripped girl B’s real hair out, broke her nose, and crippled her. Girl B was sent to the emergency room. Girl A was suspended for 2 weeks. They were both in 7th grade. -
The lunch lady was having sex with students and buying them alcohol. -
The 30ish theater teacher ran off with a recent grad. I was kind of pals with the student during a play the spring before the scandal, and she hosted the cast party where in retrospect, they seemed a little cozier than appropriate. As much as I'm dying for the inside scoop, I can't imagine friending her on social media and asking "So what was up with you and Mr. ___________?" -
Two things. Both in middle school. I was at home on a Sunday watching the news with my mom when all of a suden my 6th grade teachers mugshot showed up and it said that her and her husband were pulled over and the police found like 6 pounds of high grade weed , lead to a search warrant for their home and they literally slept on a inflatable mattress. The whole house was a grow op. She did look like a hippy but I don't understand, she was not mellow at all. She was a b*tch. In 8th grade, one of my friends parents had cancer, he thought it was a good idea to bring some of their meds to school and hand them out like candy. These were strong strong meds , and not all of them were pain pills. At least 5 kids overdosed 2 of them had siezures , no one died thankfully. -
Kid made a chlorine bomb and threw it in the trash can at lunch. Lockdown, bomb squad, every single kid and faculty member out on the field in 95° weather for 2+ hours until parents could show up to pick up their kids. -
During middle school a few kids sold weed and someone that bought some smoked it in the building which was just stupid, the kid that sold it to him didn’t want to get in trouble so he pulled the fire alarm so people wouldn’t find the kid, we all got to go home afterwards -
3 come to mind. Principal of the HS and Director of Athletics got caught embezzling money from the school to their bank accounts. They got caught after 50 k went missing from the schools bank. Bomb threat. Got searched whenever we went in, metal detectors, bomb dogs, the works. Couple kids invited an African American into their twitter group called "Golf N***as" and were saying stuff like "Repeal the 13th" to her. She tracked down the school and made a complaint. Made local news. -
at my old school: kid brought in an explosive new school: teacher got suspended for a year for locking a child in a closet -
I was in fourth or fifth grade and someone sketched in the middle school bathroom not to go on school Friday, 'or I will bang bang.' This was then brought to the attention of the county and state police, and we didn’t have school that day, and the police searched everyone’s lockers for a firearm -
My highschool Guidance counselor f*cked a science teachers wife and everyone knew about it. They got a divorce. Both teachers still work at the same school to this day, and students will never ever let it go. The story has been handed down from year to year. -
A overachieving student in my year went nuts and pooped in a bag in a teachers classroom. She also thought she could run up trees. -
One of the students wrote his own fan fic with himself and some of the younger girls... -
Some dude with a tiny little pecker sent a picture of it (unsolicited) to a girl, and she sent it to all his friends. Wasn't long before like half the school had seen it. -
In middle school (8th grade/early 2000s) one of the "hot" girls sent a couple nude pictures to her bf and it wasn't long until half the school had them. Police ended up becoming involved to make sure any all copies were destroyed. In high school there was a little scandal involving the teachers and a teachers club called the "hot tub club". Faculty members that had hot tubs would host a weekly hot tub party with other hot tub owners. Turns out they were all getting wasted and having a swinging party every Wednesday. Somebodies spouse found out about it and there was a huge exodus of "hot tub" teachers my senior year. Edit: The main people involved with the photo were reprimanded but not charged, the girl had a sit down with a counselor to discuss what happened, and we all had a big assembly to discuss the consequences that could happen if people shared those kind of images. It scared a lot of kids straight. Nobody was fired from the school for being in the hot tub club. Teachers left because it was convenient timing with the opening of another high school, and there was constant babble about it. Just for clarity, this all happened in a small town in western Canada. By the looks of my inbox both are not uncommon occurrences.
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The principal slept with a student and his nudes & sexts were leaked