Tourists Nearly Get Crushed by Gigantic Falling Icicles
- Stand back from the ice!
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Trucker Documents His Harrowing Escape From Insane...
- On Friday, Wyoming experienced a 26-car crash in the...
Video Released of Delta Flight Turning Upside Down
- All passengers survived—which is pretty unbelievable...
Rain Damage Causes Road to Completely Disappear
- There goes your car!
Man Tries to Protest Against Restaurant, Ends Up...
- Well…message sent, I guess.
23 Tweets and Pictures of the Toronto Airport Delta...
- Only Denzel Washington can turn a plane upside down...
Did This News Station Accidentally Capture a UFO?
- It sure looks like it.
Cop Gets Caught Shooting at Unarmed Suspect, Then...
- It could happen to anyone… right?
22 Pathetic Examples of the 'Landlord Special' Renters...
- A "landlord special" is a questionable repair job done...
These ‘Gun Dances’ Are Sick and Dangerous AF
- It’s a toe-tappin’ good time!
25 Avatar Cosplayers Who Need to Be Banned From Owning...
- When Avatar, the top grossing movie of all time, came...
Remembering the Eeriest ‘Coast to Coast AM’ Call...
- This caller to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast claimed to...
Man Experiences Crash Out of the Year After Automatic...
- Automatic doors don’t always work, but this can’t...
Oh God, Ukraine Says Russia Just Hit Chernobyl With a...
- It’s really one of the last places you want to be...
Hungry Whale Appears to Eat Kid, Then Spit Him Out
- Everyone’s on Ozempic these days, huh?
22 Strange Pics from People Playing With Food
- The author of this post does not support eating cats...
What It’s Like Inside a Luxury Horse Museum
- It’s horses, in a palace.
Human-Like Robot Spotted Walking Dog-Like Robot
- This is our future. Our ridiculously stupid future.
Fuel Truck Crashes into Asphalt Truck, Resulting in...
- What else did you expect a truck full of fuel to do?
Gas Explosion Destroys Taiwanese Department Store
- The blast appears to have killed four people and...
Navy Fighter Jet Crashes Directly Into San Diego Harbor
- Can anyone fly a plane these days?
Dude Freaks Out After Kids on Train Won’t STFU
- Everyone reaches their breaking point at one time or...
Meet the Guys Transporting 450 Pounds of Bananas on...
- We often forget how much work goes into the food we...
Priest Narrowly Avoids Getting Stabbed During Mass
- Never come after a man with the power of the Lord on...
Man Has Seizure While Skydiving, Gets Rescued by...
- Yet another way skydiving can go wrong.
Cybertruck Begs for Death, Tries to Kill Its Owner
- Even the truck itself knows it shouldn’t exist.
Baltic Countries’ Ceremony to Ditch Russian Energy...
- You guys are running countries, not auditioning for...
20 Fresh and Cool Randoms Collected from the Edges of...
- This is another collection of 20 pictures that have...
Boyfriend’s Revenge on Ex-Girlfriend Goes a Little...
- Creative? Yes. Evil? Also yes.
‘Spring Festival’ Fills City With Explosions,...
- Are we having fun yet?
Drunk Man Does Backflip, Then Gets Into Fight With...
- Just an average Wednesday in Russia.
Cop Apprehends Suspect by Giving Him a Little Tickle
- Goochie goochie goo, it’s off to jail for you!
People Are Now Looting Restaurants for Their Eggs
- Why pay for a couple dozen when you can steal ‘em?
Dude Takes Down a Building by Throwing a Single Rock
- Well…that didn’t take much.
Watch a Man Wrestle a Bear
- Of course this happened in Russia.
Meet the Woman Who Can Remember Every Single Second of...
- Honestly, it sounds like hell.
Thief Trapped in Convenience Store Shoots Out Glass...
- That’s one way to do it, I guess.
Dude Stops Knife Robber Using a Flare Gun
- He brought a different kind of gun to the knife fight.
Tourist Accidentally Records Massive Volcanic Eruption
- Great footage—now get the hell outta there!
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