Assassin's Creed Origins.

Assassin's Creed games are traditionally pretty easy. Even then, some gamers complain that they're a challenge. You know, because there's always something to complain about.

In response, Ubisoft has confirmed that Assassin's Creed Origins will have a difficulty slider at the beginning of the game. Options will include Easy, Normal, and Hard; a little something for everyone.

This will be the first time Assassin's Creed has included a difficulty option in its 10 year history. As a result, some are, you guessed it, complaining that Ubisoft is catering to low skill players. Meanwhile, others are complaining that others are complaining.

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Difficulty has been a hot topic this week following the release of Cuphead, which is so hard that some people are losing their minds.

Assassin's Creed Origins will be set in Ancient Egypt during a pivotal time of upheaval against Ptolemy XIII. You can expect pyramids, pharoahs, slave labor, mummies, and plenty of familiar game mechanics.