MSCHF’s viral cartoon boots are made for walkin’ … and kicking men in the nuts for large sums of money.

Dominatrix MsTriggaHappy recently got candid about some of the more absurd elements of her hustle, sharing a clip of a man paying her big bucks for the honor of getting whacked in the balls by her comically oversized red boots.

“Bow down,” she demanded, bringing the blurred gentleman to his knees, his legs open. After obtaining the consent for the kicking of a lifetime, she struck, driving the cartoonishly-rounded toe of her boot directly into his nads.

“How was that?” she asked, the man in question doubled over in pain.

“Burning” he replied, bringing his head to the ground.

“Hold it, hold it, hold it,” she continued, smacking his back as he stayed curled into a ball. But this was only the beginning.

Though elements of their scene first went viral earlier this month, the dominatrix uploaded the full version of the clip on Tuesday, a three-minute ordeal complete with more nut smashing, ass clapping and a whole lot of kicking.

So take it from MsTriggaHappy — sometimes life is just a kick in the pants, and for some wealthy, horny dudes, that’s a very good thing.