After suffering from a “crippling porn addiction for YEARS” Richard Yu (@richardyuzee) a self-proclaimed money-making mentor, quit fapping and documented his journey over 297 days. In a tweet, he brags that being “A man addicted to self-improvement & making money is a dangerous man.”

On June 10, Richard confessed to relapsing, with a posed photo of himself shirtless at his computer after watching porn.

In his Twitter thread, he explains how watching porn was a way to relieve stress, but then found healthy coping mechanisms like watching The Office, and going on a walk “with wifey.” In a confusing explanation, he goes on to quote the bible as a source of strength to help with a sense of shame after relapsing. He uses references to the bible story Daniel and the Lion’s Den as a metaphor for using porn to cope with stress in moments when he is “too triggered to stay off Pornhub.”

By sharing his NoFap journey Richard promotes his business and encourages his followers to stop watching porn and instead, learn how to make money through his mentorship. His tweets have a hyper-positive, motivational tone, while also shamelessly promoting his business. “Dare to try one more time… and THIS time, you can make $3-7K/mo like clockwork by sending messages on Instagram.” 

His bio doesn't help much in explaining how he actually makes “$1.1 Million/Mo by Age 24” other than reiterating that he helps people learn how to make money by “typing messages on their phone with ‘remote setting.’” To find out what the hell that even means, he wants you to send him a DM or sign up on his website.

Reading through his fap relapse thread, @amandanat replied with what we’re all thinking, “Bro what the fuck did I just read?”

Richard’s whole shtick is perfectly summarized by @dubl__inc’s response, “'Success is NOT about how many times you fap, it’s about how fast you can GET IT UP when it goes down.’ I thought it was pretty inspirational.”