If traditional dating apps aren’t working for you because you don’t know who will be able to recognize your edgelord memes or tolerate your terrible hygiene habits, we’ve got great news for you! There is now something called Duolicious, which bills itself as “Online dating, but based and true love-pilled ❤️” and which has been dubbed by Twitter as the “femcel dating app.”

Duolicious, which is currently available as a web app and in the Google Play store, is still in its infancy, boasting “over 5,000 members from your favorite fandoms.” The site includes a tongue-in-cheek testimonials section with testimonials like, “I would rather not date any woman who uses this site” and “bro WHO was asking for this method,” which is an incredibly good question, actually.

Once you’ve registered for Duolicious, you’re prompted to answer a series of questions so the app can figure out your compatibility with other users, a method most similar to the traditional online dating websites that pre-date Tinder like OkCupid. Questions include, “Do you handle social situations with all the grace of a gangly-legged baby giraffe learning to walk?” and “Have you ever toked up on some dank Mary Jane?,” presumably meant to weed (pun unavoidable) out socially awkward weirdos and narcs respectively.

According to the site’s FAQ, it uses a variety of personality tests such as Myers-Briggs and the Big 5 in order to assess compatibility. In addition, it’s completely free, relying entirely on donations, and users can send and receive unlimited messages in lieu of sending likes.

You can also opt to go straight to browsing other users’ profiles, where it immediately becomes obvious that this app’s user base is coming from Reddit, 4chan and the like, with anime profile photos and e-girls galore. In one quick scroll through the profiles shown to me, I saw many more anime and meme profile photos than real human beings, including one involving blackface.

Some Twitter users are already warning each other about the “femcels” on Duolicious, and, indeed, several profiles I viewed included variations on “femcel” in the description. The “clubs” feature, which allows users to join clubs that essentially function as tags on your profile, showing you fellow club members first in your feed, includes a “femcel” club that boasts over 450 members, alongside clubs with more concerning names that reference sexual assault, child sexual abuse and racism (the clubs function is where the app’s origins in 4chan are most readily apparent).

Far from warning people of the danger of femcels, I’m of the belief that anyone drawn to this kind of dating app for the chronically online is probably well-suited to partnering with an edgelord femcel. After all, it’s unlikely anyone else will be able to stomach their rape jokes and ironic racism for very long.