Everyone loves kiss-cam videos, the videos where couples can display their love on the jumbotron at sporting events! Five seconds later: We regret to inform you that a woman has gone viral for pretending to blow her boyfriend while being filmed for a kiss cam.

The incident took place at a recent hockey game and involved two fans of the Florida Panthers. As the camera cut to the happy couple, the man got his girlfriend’s attention, prompting her to smile and wave at the camera before immediately leaning down and simulating oral sex as her boyfriend laughed and the camera quickly cut away.

The response was a pretty universal “he needs to marry that woman immediately,” with dozens of people calling her a keeper. You’d never be bored if you were married to her, that much is obvious.

It’s undoubtedly a much cheerier kiss-cam incident than the last time a kiss-cam video from a Panthers game went viral. In late 2022, a man tried to propose to his partner via kiss cam, bearing the words “PLZ SAY YES YES YES” on his naked chest. The kiss cam cut away before viewers could see her response, and it’s a good thing it did, since she whispered something to him before fleeing the scene entirely. Her (now ex?) boyfriend was left to continue watching the game on his own, nursing a single beer the whole time. That’s rough.

If our options are embarrassingly public breakups or women simulating fellatio, we’ll go with the latter, every time, even if it’s not exactly family friendly. Just tell your kids she’s fallen asleep in his lap.