

I'm probably going to skip around a lot here, but bear with me and my ramblings. And if I misspell a few things, I apologize in advance because my keyboard is on the fritz and apparently gets to choose what letters to actually put down.


So on Saturday, my buddy Lobo picked me up and drove me down to his brother's apartment. His brother, Roy, lives with Aaron and two other colegiates at an apartment near their specifically unspecified college. Now right off the bat, I'm expecting some crazy shit to go down. Mostly because of Aaron. When Aaron is involved, shit gets broken. Pretty funny as long as he's not mad at you, but I have a feeling (although he would never admit it, especially with other people around) he respects my certain brand of humor. So, I'd never been over there before, so the first thing I see when I walk through the door is 1) a T.V. 2) a shitload of videogames strewn around the room and 3) Roy (badly) playing Gears2 on the couch. That is about it. Ain't college life grand? So, I plop down, watch for a bit, and ask where Aaron is. "At work", Roy says. Great, I think. "So when's he coming back?", I ask. "I don't know." Double Great. No Aaron to break shit. Now where's my fun gonna come from?

 So, after watching Roy suck ass at Gears for another 30 minutes, he gets hungry. So we hit BK at around ooo maybe 7 or 8 o'clock. Course the place is deserted when we get in there. And they got the n00bs working; ya know, so they can "train" without the pressure of the dayshift. So, just to mess with the guy, I ask, "Hey, uh, what comes on the BK double stacker?" Now, this guy has GOT to be retarded, because even I know that it only has meat and cheese on it. This guy, who looks completely shitfaced, actually turns around to look at the picture of this fucking sandwich. Did I look blind or something? I could see the picture too, dumbfuck. But hey, I guess I gotta give him a break; he does work at Burger King, after all. So five minutes later, this **** asks the fucking manager what's on the burger. Now, I have no idea why the manager was actually there at night, but come on; you have to ask the manager?!? /Facepalm.

So, after the eternity of waiting, I finally got my food, ate it, and left. We get back and, seeing as I have never played Rock Band (2) before, decide to give it a shot. Now haha, I suck ass with the guitar; cannot play that thing worth a damn. So I try the drums. 57%. Shit. So, like all rejects, I get the mike. And if anyone within a miles radius had any illusions about my singing voice, they were shattered that night. Lobo immediately started laughing at me when I sang Let There Be Rock because I didn't know any of the words and was apprently too retarded to read them fast enough as they came across the screen. Then, screaming like a banshee, I sang (title possibly incorrect lol) Pain Killer (?) by Judas Priest. In the same extremely high pitch. Yeah. Then I raged with Testify, howled with Almost Easy, and made monkey noises with Down with the Sickness. I sang most of those on easy though haha meaning that you could mumble into the mic as long as you got the pitch right. But I did sing Everlong on expert and got a 97%. Now, I love the Foo Fighters, so I had already known the words before they came onto the screen. And maybe it wasn't the toughest song to "sing", but I did it on Expert and I'm damn proud of that lol. The rest of the night was spent laughing and substituting words into various songs. Have you ever tried singing Almost Easy and only used the word 'bananas'? Hilarity ensues.

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