
Moon Landing Was An Obvious Hoax

Explain me this. NASA is supposed to be all geeky eggheads who can calculate how much 21243 x 24386 is in their heads and tell you the answer after 10 seconds or solve the Rubik's cube in less than 15 seconds. They are so smart that they've sent people on the moon! On THE MOON! MOON!!!!!! Can you believe this shit? Yes? Then you're an idiot.

Here's proof that the moon landing was a hoax. I'm not giving you no bull shit about the flag waving on the photo or strange reflections. Those are clues. Here's the proof:

NASA is too stupid to calculate where their defunct satellite is going to land. That's right. The people who somehow knew how the probe is gonna land on the moon. The same guys who were able to figure out the pressure and gravity shit for their moon program, now are too stupid to determine where and when their piece of junk is gonna fall from the sky.

If you don't understand the situation - a six and a half ton satellite is going to fall from the sky. They have no idea where it's going to fall. They said it's gonna be on September 24th. Now the new date is September 23th. But hell, it might be today. We know that the NASA guys aren't smart enough to know for sure. No wonder Obama closed the space program. It's a scam.

There was no Roswell landing and no alien was dissected. It was a video spread so that people think that there's aliens in US. And not in USSR. Now there's space ships spotted over China and Russia. Wow, they must be contacting the aliens now! Oh yeah, Obama closed down the space program and Area 51. They must land somewhere else and Chinese people don't charge that much for parking.

Every educated person knows that small meteorites vaporise when they meet Earth's atmosphere. What would happen to a space shuttle with people inside? Yes, they would boil. 

Here you go. There was no moon landing. If you think otherwise, you're a moron. MORON!!!!!!!!!! Faggot-ass M-O-R-O-N!!!!! And I'm smart. Incredibly smart. Smarter than you or the NASA geeks will ever be

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