
My Sea Creature

When I was young my family would often vacation at Gulf Shores Alabama nearly every summer.  This particular year I was focused on getting over my fears of the ocean.  With sharks on the Discovery Channel and the imagination of a young boy the ocean seemed like a pretty scary place.  Eventually I got used to the surf and found myself splashing around in the rolling waves.  That is until I saw a large creature hovering in the shallow water.  With about two large leaps I was back on the beach observing it.  An older man walked by and noticed my sister and I investigating the waters.  The black man, in a thick southern drawl, asked us what we were looking at.  We described the fish as it crept up and back in the shallow water.  The old man showed a sign of recognition as he explained that it was a baby Doper.  How could this creature, a full 18" wide be a baby anything I thought.  We continued to prod the old man for more information asking if it had teeth, or some kind of posionous stinger.  The black man smiled as here reiterated, "it's a baby Doper".  We continued to show signs of confusion while he clarified.  "You know, what the mamas but on the babies."

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