
New Zealand

So blah blah blah and some more blah blah blah.
I'm in Hawaii for a week on account for my parent's anniversary in Honolulu. My brother and I decide to take a trolley that goes to this big ass mall and there as I was gazing, I saw a most beautiful young lady.
As the time passes she and I walk by each other (unintentionally) and give each other passing gazes complimenting the gazes with smiles.
So after a couple of hours, we decide to leave. We get to the line for the trolley to take us back to the hotel and sure enough, there she was again, in line for the same trolley. Although there wasn't much room, my brother and I found some seats and then were surrounded by Asians, she gets on the trolley too and has to stand for a bit. Eventually some people leave and get off, and she makes the move to sit next to me. The person that she was with, was her mother, and they were talking a little bit. When they got in a pause, I decided to break the ice and asked: "did a lot of shopping today?" She comes back with a big smile and with the most gorgeous New Zealand accent responds, "yes, how about you?"
There it was. And we talk a little more about what we bought and then she resumes the conversation with her mother. She pulls out a camera (the exact same kind as mine) and takes a quick picture with her mother. I come out with, "nice camera." and she looks at mine, she smiles again, implying "nice, we got the same one! It must mean something." to my "we've got good taste." then she comes back, "very GOOD taste" and she just looked at me with those deep green eyes, as if she was looking directly into my soul.
Sitting there, I knew I was going to start babbling like an idiot, so I asked where she was from.Her: "New Zealand"Me: "O wow, that's awesome."Her: "Really? How so?"Me: "Cause you're from somewhere beautiful."Her: "Well, where are you from?"Me: "Georgia, nothing special about that except the rednecks."Her: "Hahaha! You're funny. You should visit new Zealand sometime, there's lots to do."Me: "That would be great...sorry but I don't recommend coming to Georgia. It sucks."Her: "Haha I understand."Me: "So what brought you to Hawaii?"Her: "My mother's birthday, we're celebrating all week, and leaving Wednesday. You?"Me: "Parent's anniversary, they invited my brother and I so we are here for a week, leaving Wednesday too."Her: "Aww that's nice."
It goes on like this for another 15 minutes, me finding out she had just graduated college, going for a career in Business Management and me in my third year pursuing a career to be a teacher.
Finally it's my brother's and my stop and I say, "it was nice to meet you."She comes back with, "you too. Good luck with College."
Of all the things I was supposed to do, I never asked for her number, nor her name. I simply refer to her as, "New Zealand."
Now I have to wait off this week thinking about her and knowing, I'll probably never see her again.
I really blew it with her. I was really into this girl, and, not trying to sound cocky or egotistic, I thought she was in to me too.
So yea, I really thought I was going to Hawaii and coming back to the states with no regrets.My mindset was way off.

Thanks for tuning in, I appreciate your time.

-Louis Silva.:LosAngelesKid:.
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