
Nothing but hot air from The Big-O

  That's right folks.  I see nothing but hot air coming from The Big-O.  This month marked the deadliest month in Afghanistan since the war started in 2001.  The terrorist see Obama's failure to take action as a weakness.  They are attacking more often with more powerful weapons.  While wallboy's hero is spending time just thinking, troops are being attacked.

  In a news article posted at:  it is stated that The Big-O is nearly finished gathering information and advice on how to proceed in Afghanistan Nearly finished?  WTF?  His generals are telling him what they need and when they need it. 

  "I think the president will take some time after these meetings to pick through what he's heard, what we've all learned, and evaluate this process with what's best for our country, what's best for Afghanistan, Pakistan and for the region as a whole," Gibbs said.  What we've learned?  A surge worked in Iraq.  It is very likely that it would work in Afghanistan too.  If you are having trouble processing it, think of it like this:  Ten guys are trying to break into your house.  One sees you and your friend.  That dude looks for another place to come in.  Now, if you call upon 30 friends to help you out, those 10 dudes will see everyone and will be less likely to attack.

The top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan has urged Obama to send up to 40,000 more troops to confront Taliban forces who control large swaths of the country. But many liberals and some top Democratic lawmakers want a much smaller increase in U.S. troops, if any.  What did The Big-O promise about Afghanistan during his campaign?  He promised a troop reduction in Iraq.  By the way, Bush already had a plan in action for Iraqi troop reductions.

  Now what is The Big-O doing?  Gibbs spoke as Obama flew from Florida to Norfolk, Va., where he was to attend a campaign rally for Virginia gubernatorial nominee Creigh Deeds.  Oh yeah, he's not making a decision on important things.

  What else is The Big-O doing?  Just look at the Washington Times:

During his first nine months in office, President Obama has quietly rewarded scores of top Democratic donors with VIP access to the White House, private briefings with administration advisers and invitations to important speeches and town-hall meetings.

High-dollar fundraisers have been promised access to senior White House officials in exchange for pledges to donate $30,400 personally or to bundle $300,000 in contributions ahead of the 2010 midterm elections, according to internal Democratic National Committee documents obtained by The Washington Times.

  Didn't Clinton do things like this?  Do you remember the whole Lincoln Bedroom scandal?  So much for hope and change.

One top donor described in an interview with The Times being given a birthday visit to the Oval Office. Another was allowed use of a White House-complex bowling alley for his family. Bundlers closest to the president were invited to watch a movie in the red-walled theater in the basement of the presidential mansion.

Mr. Obama invited his top New York bundler, UBS Americas CEO Robert Wolf, to golf with him during the president's Martha's Vineyard vacation in August. At least 39 donors and fundraisers also were treated to a lavish White House reception on St. Patrick's Day. 

  I know that all politicians are questioned on their integrity.  I know that both parties take in a lot of money from questionable sources.  Now why is it that it seems that the Dems use the White House as a reward for donations? 

  Important things like the war effort and health care reform are withering away while the president is flying around to help out governors.  His party is renting out the White House.  Now I ask everyone, what has The Big-O really done for the country?



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