
Parents Activists

Alright, now I'm ready to attack the most Hypocritical Ignorant fucks in the world. Parent Activists. This group protects their kids from the danger of the world. OK, they are not protecting their kids, They are weakening them. and on top of that, those kids who are constantly ignored, for the cause of protecting them. These people will go to any length to prove that they are right. They are the reason there is an MPAA, and TV Rating systems. This group of ignorant people feel that the government should just take our right to see good TV away, our right to portray bad things on film, those same people are the people that would say watch the Passion of the Chirst, which is a fucking violent 2-hour snuff film. Even more hypocritical is how they blame other people too. A kid shoots up Columbine, Blame Marylin Manson, A kid kills a gay kid in New England, Blame Eminem, and guess what, all those kids parents didn't care about them, and they were heroin addicts, hmm... whose fault is that? maybe the Parents but you know what they do, they go and make an activist organization against those people. and I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and am currently involved in attempting to get rid of the rule saying I can't say FUCK THIS when I please. these people are stating that the shootings that happened were because of words in songs. they are saying that songs can load guns and kill people... John Stewart once said " Sheryl Crowe made a song that said climb every mountain, but I don't go hiking every weekend, its a fucking song". And we are suppose to feel sorry for these parents who couldn't take responsibility for their actions. fuck that! These are the worst kind of people. and yes I believe everyone, including white supremesists (will be appearing here later) should have thier right to speak thier mind. These people will get rid of our rights then realize that those rights allowed them to organize and not having them would suck, but it would be to late now wouldn't so when it all comes down to it. thier parents dont love them... yeah.

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