
Shut it all Down

I think that the whole internet should just be shut down, every part and aspect of it, that incudles all the forms of social media that connects to it from facebook to twitter, for just about a month or so and see what happens. We as people seem to have lost too much of ourselves  to the fact that  we feel so safe behind a screen  and can type anything we want no matter  what it may be about just to get a rise or comment from someone. Someone may post something genuine and heart felt     but about 90% of what is in comments   is something racist, sexual, or just something  mean to see if they can just make someone upset and offend   as many as possible. About 95% of people that leave those comments would never say or do anything like that in real life   but feel safe behind a screen kinda like how a 15 year old kid would never just run up to an 300 pound pro nfl football playerr and insult them in their face. The ones that are not afraid   are the ones that  try and spark intelligent debates on any subject and have the actual right info to support what they are saying. In almost  every comment post  you will find that hardly anyone says any thing of any value, and yes i know it is their right to free speech but at some point someone has to say enough is enough. When you have kids in elementary schools killing themselves because of what others have said online  what is the point of free speech? i would love to see trolls going into streets with bags over theirs heads and try and  say  just a fraction of what they say online and see if no one just beats them down. "Steps off soap box"  . Just wanted to get this out there  and hopefully reach one person who agrees.

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