
the reason i've been absent

                Hey guys Its viral Darkness here.  I know Ive been gone for a while.  I also know I keep saying Im going to write blogs and update on a constant basis.  I have just been so swamped again.  Ok here is how it goes.  Back in August of 2011 I moved from the Delaware River valley to the Pittsburgh metro area.  This is the reason I stopped blogging.


                I left my great job as a security supervisor just so I could move closer to my girlfriends family.  I moved from a great paycheck of over 40k a year to an 11$ an hour job.  I was struggling at the new job from the get go.  The place was Called Guardian Protection.  Theyre a cheap knock off of ADT.  This company is a known rip off, and has been sued by a couple of states for having illegal contracts.  Id like to say I quit when I found out.  Id like to say I was proud when I left.  Truth be told I was fired and it crushed me.  Here I was in a new town, no job, living with my girlfriends parents, and now I was jobless.                                               

                Two weeks later I was working loss prevention at local grocery stores.  It was a decent job, flexible hours, and shitty pay.  It held me over for a few weeks while I continued to look for gainful employment.


                A gainful job came in late November working security at a fortune 500 company.  Its where Im working now.   Its only 12$ an hour, but I can afford my bills and still have some money left over at the end of the month.


                About a month ago I moved into an apartment.  Its a hell of a lot smaller than what I rented back in the Delaware valley, but its a fraction of the price.  I regret making the move the way I did.  I also regret not having my girlfriend just stay with me where we were.  But I think it was all for the best.  With us closer to her family shes much happier.  She doesnt even care that I took a drastic pay cut. 


                I have to say, do what makes you happy.  I was miserable at my job at the chemical warehouse.  I hated my staff, and hated my managers.  Its nice not being in charge at work, hell its nice being close to my girlfriends family.  Theyre great people.  They couldnt believe that I moved and left my job back home just to be near them.  But as Ive told them, the eastern part of Pennsylvania was just too much for their daughter and I.  Plus Id rather both of us be happy and financially stable, then miserable and financially sound.


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