
Ode to Munchos

we first met many years ago

on the turn 'tween 9 and 10

I had never heard of you

not one time until then


never a commercial for you

did I ever see on the tube

nor a coupon in the paper

upon reflection I was a rube


all has changed for me

since that fateful day on the links

now when I go to the grocery

I seek you out next to the drinks


into your orange/red package

my quivering hand does slip

your foil bag crinkles in delight

as I grasp the heavenly crisp


I gently place you

between my finger and thumb

my heart begins to race

my brain becomes numb


tunneled thoughts of my snack

the pleasure you'll surely bring

if it were legal for us to wed

I'd buy you an expensive ring


fried and salted potatoes

of you goodness I exclaim

I've tried to find a better mate

my efforts all in vain


like all good things in life

our time together has measure

I wish I could eat you forever

a bottomless bag of pleasure


As I lick my fingers clean

and a familiar tear finds my eye

I think of our certain future

when we will meet again on aisle 9


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