
The Pain My Parents Family Suffered

My parents were from 2 different worlds. My mother is from Georgia (Europe) & my father is from Nigeria. My mother grew up in a shanty 2 bedroom apartment with 11 people living there. 4 sisters 2 brothers, grandmother and 2 aunts. My grandmother told me during the cold war era she witness my  grandfather getting stabbed and his fingers cut off & shot on the back of the head point blank just for being a revolutionist because he was against communism. So my grandmother had to do what no other mother could imagine, which was prostitution. Her other 2 older brothers wasn't there to help. 1 was an alcoholic and the other was an "professional criminal."  though the one the drinks is dead, the other whereabouts are unknown she has not seen him since 1971.... When my mom finished school she had to make the hardest decision, that, was moving to america to go to college. Having no family in the states, she little contact to reach her family back to Georgia. The whole time she was here, the family was getting shorter. My grandmother and aunt are the only ones in my family that my mom has contact with still. 1 of her brothers were killed during a drug raid and the other was also involved, but is serving life. 1 of her sister believed to got kidnapped and is somewhere in Turkmenistan. My father grew up in Nigeria. Obvious some would say it isn't easy growing up in a 3rd world or some say developing country. His parents didn't have a lot of money, but had enough to make sure he went to school and had food on the table. He grew up during the civil-war. During that time he seen bloodshed. His best friend shot and girlfriend raped and cut. What I never knew was a lot of Nigerians do not accept Islam, & a lot of Muslims are still getting killed there till this day. So his parents fled to England, following a few more family members. I went to go visit both countries & it was an experience of a lifetime. When i visited Georgia, it seemed like I lived and seen how my mother was living standing in that shanty 2 bedroom apartment my grandmother still lives in. It makes the projects in america look like an luxury suite. Then I went to Nigeria. In my mind I thought it was going to be a hell hole were I was going, but I was wrong. The stuff you see on T.V about Africans being poor and starving, don't let them fool you. Some of my family members are driving new BMW's and Lexus living in modern style homes. I haven't seen so much ruckus there but looking at the streets and seeing a re-enactment of it happening. My father never talk about it when he is there. because he knows I am imagining it happening. 
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