
I Just Want to be Me!

Wow wee! That was a hoot with everyone freaking out thinking shyzallian finally revealed himself to the world. I gotta admit it was kind of flattering that everyone thought I was shyzallian, with all her talent and impeccable writing style, but I just wanna be me and appreciated for what I can offer this great community we call eBaum's is all. It was the only way I knew how and I hopes you all can forgive me if I made you feel foolish. Any how I'm starting to get a reading on some of you  and will be friending up real soon. 

In a different vain, I decided to be a barfly and write about my experiences and observations. In case you don't know, Jeb and I live upstairs from a bar and almost every night something happens that is blog worthy. I'm going to go down incognito and hide in the shadows, with my back against the wall and take notes. Then comes the amazing part, I will share them all with the great people of eBaum's world. Wow wee! This is going to be fun for you all out there, GUARANTEED! But no refunds. LOL

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