
What Pisses Me Off Vol 13

Alright so, I used to work with this guy who was quite introverted, low self-esteem, low confidence, etc. He was also in love with this girl who had friend-zoned him years back, before I knew the both of them. Anyway, I had tried to reach out, be his friend, find common ground - basically treat him like I'd wanna be treated. This worked for a while, we weren't "best friends", but we hung out from time to time.

One day we had both applied for the same promotion within our work, and I ended up beating him and a few others out for it. This fucking rubbed him the wrong fucking way apparently, as he became a straight up asshole. Dick McGee started doing annoying things that he knew I had no control over, and was an all around shit disturber. I got with the big boys and talked it out, we ended up forcing the piece of shit out due to his behaviour and such. He now decides to tell everyone he's moving away up north (like 10 hours from where we were), and goes to live with moose and shit.

Few weeks go by, he stays in contact with that girl he loves and a couple others too. Coincidentally, he somehow was "diagnosed" with some serious fucking health issues. Not like a flu or West Nile or shit. He claimed to be diagnosed with Cancer. Wouldn't disclose what type, what stage he is at, or any other details. Says doctors only gave him like 6 months to live, and left it at that. When I heard this, I called BULLSHIT so fucking quick, I even upset a few of our mutual friends. They all may have fallen for this, but nah son fuck that shit.

When this doucher came down to visit his friends, he'd stay with that one girl he loved. I might not have concrete proof, but I swear he only made up the cancer to sleep with this chick. It ended up working. He got his "dying wish" by manipulating the very few people who cared about him. After about 3 months, he came and told everyone he was in remission. He went from 6 months to live, to remission, all within a 3 month period. No chemotherapy, no radiation treatment, no hair loss, weight loss or any of the side effects that someone with cancer would suffer through.

Needless to say he lost a shit ton of friends cause of this crap. He's still Facebook friends with a few people, and I see him comment on a mutual friend's post every now and then. I take every opportunity I get to expose this lying sack of donkey dicks to the world, this blog included.

Why do I resent him so much for doing this? Aside from me despising people who lie, this is somewhat a soft spot for me because I have family who do suffer from cancer. Whether you choose to believe me or not, I really don't give a fuck.

What pisses you off? Comment below.

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