
Getting close...

I'm probably the only woman in the world to actually say this, but I'm getting so excited about my mother-in-law and her mom coming out to visit in about a week and a half. My mother-in-law is freaking awesome, though. I've actually known her for about two years longer than I've known my husband- that's right, I met his mom long before I ever met him.

The even greater part is that she's bringing her mom with to visit. My husband's grandma is an amazing woman. She's a leukemia survivor, for one, she has a fantastic French accent (my mother-in-law grew up in Cannes, France, but was born in the UK and gained her citizenship in the US with the rest of her family in 1976), she fled Hungary with her family during the Holocaust (though one of her older sisters that was an adult with her own family disappeared and has never been heard from) and she's a total sweetheart to boot. She's lived in France, Hungary, Spain, Morocco, the UK and the US. She has so many fantastic stories and I could listen to that woman talk for hours upon hours and never get tired of listening.

This will be only the second time that my mother-in-law will have seen her first grandchild who is going to be almost 20 months by the time they get here. They saw her when she was about 7 months, so it's definitely been a while.

Anyway, as the time gets closer, I get more and more excited about it. I can't wait for them to get here- they're spending 10 days with us! I know we won't have the house as close to done as we would've liked, but oh, well, I guess. At least the bathroom will be done! :)

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