
My Next Door Neighbor's Kid, the Porn Star

My next door neighbor owns a house barely a hand’s width away from mine. He is a nice fellow who is divorced and lives alone. He has a 19 year old son named Ed who normally lives with his mother, but in the summer months, he comes to live with his dad.


This year, Ed arrived at his dad’s place with a new girlfriend he met in university. Naturally, it did not take me long to notice that she’s got a great body as she tanned in the back yard in full view of my bedroom window. Good for Ed for scoring such a hot girlfriend, I thought.


While the occasional glimpse of this girl was a real treat, little did I know things would only get more interesting when Ed’s father recently disappeared for a week long business trip.


Ed was finally alone with his girl and it was only then that I was awakened in the wee hours by the sound of their love making. It was clear that night and their sound carried very well from their open bedroom window. It also does not hurt that his window was only a few feet from mine.


Now I have heard couples late at night having sex, but what made this special was the sheer intensity and verbosity. We are not talking about quiet vanilla squeaking bed springs sex noise. No, this was flat out hard-core porn movie sex noise. She was yelling at the top of her lungs. Telling Ed how big and great he is and how she wants it faster and deeper. It was the kind of sex noises that could give a dead monk a boner.


It was fun to listen that first night, and my wife seemed to enjoy it as well (*wink*) but I was tired the next day not having slept enough.


Day 2 and they go at it again. I awoke to “yessss…yessss…yess…” the sound of furniture being shimmed across a wooden floor as they jerked the bed with their thrusts. Once again, it was fun to hear, but I also needed some sleep and was very tired the next day.


Day 3 and here we go again. Now instead of being turned on, I am starting to get a bit bored and pissed off about not getting enough sleep.


Day 4 and now I can set my watch to their sex acts. They hump like mad and she yells at the top of her lungs for more while the bags under my eyes get darker. It’s started to become a boring porn movie. I just want to fast forward to the climax and go to sleep.


Day 5 and it’s a Friday night. Ed has a party that goes late, but they tone it down when another neighbor calls the cops. Maybe tonight I will get some sleep.


6:10 am and with the sun is barely up. Once again I hear my local porn stars going at it . This time they sound like they moved to his father’s bedroom which has a small balcony very close to my bedroom window. As a roll over and curse them, I hear the scratch of the sliding door and Ed and his girl scramble out into the morning sun. This time they sound like they are on the floor of my room and I slowly open my blinds to see them having sex on the balcony in full view.


Wow. I just stood there watching these 2 going at it. Although it only lasted a few minutes, they managed several positions. They never seemed to notice me in my window, but I cannot imagine they thought no one could see them or even cared. As I stood there, my wife muttered that I should close the blind and that I was a pervert for watching. Pervert? Me? Yep, I guess I am, but it certainly made those recent sleepless nights less irritating.

I have told this story to my friends and all have asked me if I took pictures. Believe me, I thought of that, but the only camera close at hand belonged to my 12 year old daughter. I could not bring myself to use it for that purpose. That, in my mind, would have been perverted.


I hope Ed’s dad goes away again before the summer ends. I now have my camera on standby and if I'm lucky, maybe I'll have a new video to upload. Yep, I am a pervert.

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