

I'd like to start off by saying that if you plan to reply to this blog with some idiotic/sadistic remark then just fuck off now. real and relivent replys only please, use ellimem or rollo9,as models if you must.

We all know that Iraq is a contorversial subject for everyone. It is somthing that effects us all in some way or another- whether you lost somone out there, like myself, or even if you pay taxes that fuel the war. the fact is there are men and woman over there from a number of nato armies, trying to restore peace. the taliban have shown themselfs to be merciless and reckless is many situatons and yet people seem to think that we should simply bail out and let Iraqs citizens live in hell. these people use cowardly methods of killing and will shoot anything as long as it is not themselfs, and yet anti-war protestors campaign endlessly to get our troops home.

People may think that because i lost my dad to the war, that i might want to pull back our troops. break loose. not our problem.

but i dont. our soldiers dying emphasise why we should be there. a sad truth is that as long as our men are dying over there, it is essential that they stay and continue to attempt to keep the peace. when men stop dying there- our job is well and truly done.

people argue that we were manipulated by false claims of WMD's, well if the expertise to hijack a plane and strike it right into the WTC building is not a WMD then i dont know what is.

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