
Bee Pee

A car is driving down the road. He realizes that the gas gage is dangerously low and he is in the middle of nowhere on an empty road. After a while the car runs completely out of gas and rolls to a stop. The man stands and hopes that just maybe a car would drive by and help but no one came. The man had just decided to start walking when he heard something say, "having car trouble?" The man looked around and behind his car and said, "WHO SAID THAT?!?!" "Up here" The voice said. The man looked up and saw a little bee. The man quickly jumped back and said, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TALK!!! AND YES I AM HAVING CAR TROUBLE!" The bee went into the car and saw the gas gage and told the man," don't move, I'l be right back." The man waited for about 10 min. until he heard a low buzzing noise.... then it got louder... and louder until he saw a swarm of bees coming towards him and his car. They all said in one loud buzzing voice, "open the gas tank pleazzzze" The man did as they asked and they all flew into the gas tank... the man was puzzled. then all the bees flew back out and said in the same voice, "start the engine pleazzze." The man turned the key and it started right up! "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN IT?!?!?" the man asked. "BP" the bees answered.
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